Topics and inquiries for the workshop can for example be:
The transformation of cultural heritage institutions in the age of datafication:
- How do we make sense of the complex network of systems, information, people, values, theories, histories, ideologies, and aesthetics underlying various types of archiving practices? What are the design challenges?
- What happens when data structures become central for how a cultural heritage institution operates? What are the unintended consequences?
- How are critical archiving practices supported in cultural heritage institutions?
- What are the cultural and ideological aspects of data curation?
- How do we adopt intersectional perspectives in classification systems?
Quantification of research practices:
- What are the crucial design decisions when developing sharing platforms for research in the humanities? What are the opportunities and new practices in relation to understanding and sharing culture?
- How do we navigate infrastructures, rewards structures, and social structures when designing systems that help preserve and share the cultural heritage?
- What are the consequences and opportunities when using crowdsourcing, usually developed for micro tasks, in more qualitative research practices?
Participation in archiving practices:
- How is participation constructed and enacted in citizen science and crowdsourcing practices? How is participation constrained, for example, by infrastructural arrangements, technological affordances and social norms?
- What are the implications for transparency, surveillance, and trust when designing for participation in the development of the cultural heritage sector?
- What are the coping strategies and resistance to or appropriation of datafication?
- What are the tactics, structures and normative foundations necessary for supporting participatory metadata practices? What are the challenges? How do we negotiate standardization versus complexity when developing metadata practices?
- What are the implications of the (lack of) transparency and accountability of data practices in different sectors? What are the challenges this poses for users’ data literacy?
- What are the new asymmetries and power relations that data practices may bring between memory institutions and audiences, or between different segments of audiences?